The Kansas City cheese blog.

Exploring Food in Kansas City

Kansas City has so much to offer. I have lived in KC my entire life and I am constantly discovering new, hidden gems. Look below to read more about the foods, drinks and experiences you can only have in the Kansas City area.

Find the very latest on Instagram @kccheeses

Weekly foodie adventures, traveling, and ridiculous smiles attributed to delicious dinners.

and All Around the World

Hobbies, Frisbee + Fun

Hey, there are no rules here!

gettin cheesy with it


Free eBook

Free eBook

A common problem of any starving individual, couple or friend group: where to eat?

I get this question a lot and I truly want to help, so I am coming out with a series of eBooks to guide the hungry citizens of Kansas City. My goal is to inspire and excite local foodies and out of town guests to try something new, try something different, and try something delicious.